A woman reading to a young girl

Welcome to Chatham Correspondence Program; we’re so glad that you’re here! Chatham Correspondence strives to support the families dedicated to educating their children at home, while also offering ways for students to remain connected to their home district and community. 

Chatham Correspondence started when we realized that many families in the Chatham District were choosing homeschool. Naturally, we needed to support this growing interest in homeschool. Since then, we have expanded to serve students statewide with an array of opportunities. 

Today, Chatham Correspondence runs alongside our sister program, Chatham Virtual School. Students can take traditional homeschool classes, teacher-supported classes, AP classes, dual enrollment classes, and locally-created and focused courses. 

For students within our district, Chatham Correspondence has been structured to provide students with a hybrid public-homeschool education. Students are taught primarily by a parent, while still having access to the brick-and-mortar school for social, extracurricular and some academic purposes. In Gustavus, Angoon and Klukwan, this means that students may participate in school sports, use facilities such as the library or gym, or they may join public school students for a single class or event. In Tenakee Springs, where there is no open public school, an Independent Learning Center (ILC) is open four days per week. At the ILC, parents and students may come together to work independently or collaboratively to meet educational goals. Our hope is to provide Chatham Correspondence Students access to public school facilities and resources, while families can still create an adaptable, child-tailored homeschool education.

Our team can help families to purchase home school curriculum; we provide ongoing support, collect quarterly work samples, and maintain school records.

To learn more, call our office at 907-736-2204 or email Rick Petersen at rpetersen@chathamsd.org or Megan Moody at mmoody@chathamsd.org.