Two girls stick their heads through face cut-outs, their bodies are thing 1 and thing 2

High School

At the high school level, we offer a variety of options, so that we can serve students and families, no matter what their goals, interests, and needs may be.

One option is that students may enroll as homeschoolers, which means that the student is taught the majority of their coursework by a parent or guardian, with support and guidance from Chatham's correspondence program teachers and staff. Homeschooled students are given a curricular allotment to pay for academic materials and services.

Often, however, by high school, students' coursework is beyond what a parent can teach well. This is where our virtual school, with its many options, is useful. Here we explain some of the circumstances and reasons virtual school is the right fit.

Virtual School means that students are taught by a certified teacher, who they communicate with regularly. Students take classes by logging onto a learning platform that guides them through dynamic, interactive lessons. See our course catalogue for a complete list of options.

We offer:

Students may also mix and match, taking some classes through the virtual school, and some courses as homeschool students.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to our staff! We love to learn more about your child's unique needs and interests, so that we may create the best education plan for your child.